Outside Play Area

The Great Outdoors

  • The garden is a continuing source of interest and an important resource for a variety of topic related work. The children have many objects to explore such as herbs and fragrant flowers growing in the sensory garden
  • The secret garden is a place where the children can use their imagination playing in the cottage with the woodland animals. Mobiles and wind chimes hang from the trees to create a magical area
  • The garden also has a physical area protected by safety bark where the children can build with milk crates, crawl through tunnels and tents and climb in the large tyres
  • The children use the growing area all year round to grow different vegetables which we harvest and try at meal times
  • A climbing frame which is equipped with swings and a slide is definitely the showpiece of the garden and a huge success with all the parents/carers and children
  • Equipped with wheeled toys and small apparatus, the front playground is ideal for this type of play
  • The front area is also used for a variety of team games and ring games which the children really enjoy and participate in

"The whole secret of the study of nature lies in learning how to use one's eyes"
George Sand (1804-1876) French novelist and memoirist

Nurseries with play area