Pre-School Room

Growing Up...

The 'veterans' of the day care are exposed to a variety of playful learning activities, such as weighing, measuring, emergent writing and science based interests. Children are encouraged to use the weather board during morning news times and to listen to one another, developing language and social skills.

IT Support...

The computer is a very popular piece of equipment in the pre-school room. Here the children carry out a variety of programmes and games on the computer, developing their hand-eye skills and coordination.

Off to BIG School...

Sadly, the time always comes when children have to leave us and get ready for school. Having educated and cared for them for almost 5 years, our staff take great pride in encouraging, assisting and preparing them - ready for 'big' school! The progress achieved and development witnessed over these years is a fantastic moment at KKDC!

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself"
John Dewey (1859-1952) American Philosopher

Pre-School Nurseries