Good night sleep


Your child's sleeping habits can have a toll of their health and can affect their performance in school. According to various studies, pre-schoolers must get at least 11 to 13 hours of sleep (including naps) in order to maintain a healthy growth and perform well at school.

Lack of sleep leaves the child cranky all through the day and can also lead to behavioural issues, lack of attention, and even obesity. The reasons for poor sleep may be many; but no matter what the reasons are, parents must help their children have a good night's sleep in order to make sure they stay healthy and perform well in their academics.
Here are some quick tips that will help your child fall asleep quickly and have a good night's sleep:

1. Encourage Physical Activity

Oftentimes, parents encourage their children to take a break after school and have some rest. While this is right, you must not allow your child to spend time in front of the TV or allow them to use mobile phones or other gadgets. Instead talk to your child about school, how they can spend the rest of the day, about their friends, etc. if your child is not tired encourage them to go out and play. Increased physical activity is known to aid good sleep; so encourage your child to get involved in physical activities.
2. Create a Routine

By the time your child is four months old, they are ready to have a full night's sleep and this is the best time to create a routine that encourages regular naps and a consistent bed time. Put your baby on the bed when he/she is drowsy and not when he/ she is fully asleep. This will help them learn to soothe themselves and go off to sleep.
3. Create a Calming Environment

It is necessary that you create the right ambience to help your child fall or stay asleep. Switch off the lights, put your gadgets away and dress your child in soft, breathable and low-allergen cotton dresses. Use cotton bed sheets to prevent itching or discomfort. You can read a story or recite a rhyme to help your child fall asleep. Avoid all kinds of distractions such as loud noise, excitement, etc. just before putting your child to sleep.
4. Healthy Eating Habits

Your child's eating habits can also affect their sleep patterns, so it is necessary that your child eats well before going to sleep. Over-eating and under-eating may both cause discomfort; so know the amount of food that makes your child full and avoid forcing your child to eat more than that. Also make sure they eat healthy so that they have proper digestion. Irritation in bowel often leads to poor sleep, so make sure you encourage healthy eating before sleeping and throughout the day.

In order to encourage your child to sleep well, you must become their role models. Finish your chores before bedtime and sleep with your child. Talk to them or sing a song, and let them fall asleep slowly. Avoid forcing your child to fall asleep; this can have adverse effect on their sleep patterns. Sleeping is an important part of a child's life and you must do everything to help them enjoy a good night's sleep.