3 Tips and Tricks for Encouraging Kids to Eat Healthy This Season


When kids are surrounded by junk foods in brightly coloured packaging, unhealthy school lunches, and fast food restaurants on every corner, getting them to eat healthily can feel like an uphill battle. But even when it’s hard, healthy eating is incredibly important for growing kids. Young bodies need a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to grow strong bones and teeth, develop healthy immune systems, and support normal brain development, and the most effective way to get those nutrients is through the food we eat. The team of KKDC makes sure that your child gets the best balanced and nutrition enriched diet to ensure and provide a healthy metabolic system.

Children need a varied diet that includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources such as beans, meat, and fish. Moderate amounts of dairy and nuts also contribute to a healthy diet, although not everyone can eat them due to allergies and food restrictions.

While most parents do understand the value of healthy eating and what a good diet looks like, getting their kids to cooperate is another story, at times which seems like a war. If you’re struggling to get your kids to eat their vegetables, take them to the KKDC day care center. There, the celebrated child nutritionist prepares a proper food chart and the team members try adding these tips to make your child have the best of diet since their growth time. You may also avail the same to take a holistic care of your child’s health.

Choosing Fresh

It’s hard to blame kids for not liking limp, mushy vegetables. When possible, opt for fresh vegetables for better flavour, texture, and visual appeal. If fresh fruits and vegetables strain your budget, purchase fresh selectively. Fresh green beans, broccoli, asparagus, and carrots are vastly superior to their frozen and canned counterparts, but frozen spinach, peas, corn, and berries can taste just as good as the fresh version.

Check on Junk

If your cupboards are stocked with sugary and fatty foods, that’s what kids will reach for when they’re hungry. Rather than keeping treats on hand, purchase healthy snacks like fresh fruit and bite-sized vegetables with dip. When you want to treat the family to something less healthy, buy only what’s needed for the occasion so you’re not keeping junk food on hand.

Get it from the Source

Kids gain enthusiasm for healthy foods upon learning where they come from. Take your kids to the farmers market and let them buy their own vegetables. Many farmers markets also have free children’s activities that introduce kids to healthy foods. Some farms allow visitors or have U-Pick fields, so kids can get their hands dirty and learn about how food is grown. If you have space, try planting a vegetable garden in your own yard and encourage kids to help plant, weed, and harvest.

KKDC teams up provide your child a good health and a homely atmosphere at your unavoidable absence.